Digital Technologies

  • 26/09/2024 - Press release - European Economic Policy

    Press release: Germany, Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands and France are calling for stronger legal enforcement in the field of E-Commerce

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  • 08/07/2024 - Press release - Technology and Innovation

    Press release: The Future Fund: DeepTech & Climate Fund invests in quantum computing startup planqc

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  • 18/06/2024 - Joint press release - Digital Technologies

    Press release: The time for AI-based robotics is now

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  • 14/06/2024 - Press release - Economic Policy

    Press release: Senior representatives of EU Member States call for appointment of SME envoy of the European Commission

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  • 11/06/2024 - Joint press release - Technology and Innovation

    Press release: Presentation of the OECD report on artificial intelligence in Germany

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  • 03/06/2024 - Press release - Aerospace Policy

    Press release: Strengthening international co-operation in space travel

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  • 31/05/2024 - Press release - Climate Change Mitigation

    Press release: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action launches reorientation of 8th Energy Research Programme for Applied Energy Research - Funding for innovative research to make the energy transition a success

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  • 30/05/2024 - Press release - European and International Energy Policy

    Press release: EU Member States call for a strengthening of the European grid infrastructure

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  • 30/05/2024 - Press release - European and International Energy Policy

    Press release: Germany, Austria and Italy sign a Joint Declaration of Intent for the Development of the SoutH2 Corridor

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  • 24/05/2024 - Press release - European Economic Policy

    Press release: EU Competitiveness Council adopts EU Supply Chain Act and determines the future orientation of the EU’s industrial and internal market policy

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