German State Secretary Bernhard Kluttig sent the joint statement from the German Federation and the German Länder to the European Commission regarding the future of European cohesion policy beyond 2027.

State Secretary Kluttig: “The German Government and the German Länder are sending a clear signal: for a strong and competitive Europe, we need to use the development potential of all European regions. We advocate that European cohesion policy be further developed in the future EU budget as a key instrument for long-term and sustainable regional economic growth. Therefore, we need to be ready to undertake fundamental reform. It is our joint objective to strengthen regional development, simplify the funding process and speed up investments. The European Structural Funds should place a stronger focus on transition, competitiveness and resilience. All regions should continue to be considered for funding depending on their structural development and the regional need for action. Special attention is to be given to less developed regions and regions particularly affected by structural change. Strengthening competitiveness needs to be at the core of funding efforts. In this regard, the European Structural Funds ought to provide even stronger incentives for domestic reforms. Regional implementation of the European Structural Funds on the basis of the structural principles of cohesion policy – shared management of funding, multi-level governance, place-based approach and the partnership principle – must continue to be ensured. The regions continue to play a central role in the design and implementation of the programmes and in the selection of projects.”

Cohesion policy is a central policy area of the European Union. Through the European Structural Funds (European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund Plus, Just Transition Fund and European Territorial Cooperation), it contributes to economic, social and territorial cohesion and to the reduction of regional disparities. The European Commission is currently formulating the legislative package for cohesion policy post 2027. It is expected to issue its proposal in the upcoming year. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action is the part of German Government responsible for negotiating on the legislative package in the Council and has prepared the joint statement in advance with other German Federal Ministries and with the Conference of the Ministers for European Affairs of the German Länder. In this statement, the Federation and the Länder lay out their priorities for European Cohesion Policy beyond 2027.

The joint statement by the German Federation and the German Länder on the future of European cohesion policy beyond 2027 can be found here.