Cross-border cooperation between regions
Cross-border cooperation under Interreg V-A aims at promoting the development of regions that share a border with one another, for example Germany and Poland. Border regions are often marked by different languages, a lack of cross-border transport links and of targeted structural policy action, creating not only opportunities, but also challenges for these regions. Cross-border funding programmes aim to reduce weaknesses and to strengthen economic and social development.
The EU currently has more than 60 funding programmes dedicated to cross-border cooperation. Germany is involved in 13 of these programmes.
More information about the individual programmes can be found under the links listed below.
Examples of projects
Upper Rhine cooperation programme: Funding was provided for a cross-border kindergarten in Strasbourg that is open to both German and French-speaking children. This kindergarten has proved to be a great success for the region, helping not only to increase the number of urgently needed childcare places, but also to promote intercultural exchange and bilingualism.