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The National Hydrogen Strategy

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Funding advice –
Hydrogen Guidance Service

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A ‘one-stop shop’ for all matters relating to hydrogen

As an extremely versatile source of energy, hydrogen is going to play a major role as we work towards our ambitious energy and climate targets. In adopting its National Hydrogen Strategy on 10 June 2020, the Federal Government created a coherent framework for the entire hydrogen value chain – from production to transport, use, and re-use. An action plan complete with specific measures was put in place to expand this framework.

The many measures implemented or initiated since then have laid the groundwork for investments and reliable planning, i.e. the envisaged market ramp-up of green hydrogen technologies. However, building a hydrogen economy is a task for all of society to which all stakeholders must contribute.

The Federal Government wants to give the best-possible support to the various stakeholders in the hydrogen industry and has therefore created this website as a ‘one-stop shop’ for all matters relating to hydrogen. As a first point of contact, it contains both general information about hydrogen, the objectives and measures of the National Hydrogen Strategy, and a compact overview of all the Federal Government’s funding instruments that are to support and promote a swift market ramp-up of hydrogen technologies at national, European and international level.

The Hydrogen Guidance Service, a dedicated information service, gives interested parties an opportunity to contact experienced funding experts per phone or email, so that they can help find the best possible funding instrument for the project in question. The practical examples serve as inspiration for new ideas for projects. Subscribe to our newsletter (see below) for more information and new content on this website.

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